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January 2011
We need your help!

FreeHAL is financed by donations, but in contrast to other BOINC projects, there is no organization or sponsor behind FreeHAL. Every month, we need about 90? for the project's servers.

What exactly is FreeHAL or FreeHAL@home? The FreeHAL project's mission is to develop a computer program which very closely imitates human conversation. FreeHAL consists of a server application and several frontends, a cross-platform GUI and a web interface.

FreeHAL@home is the corresponding BOINC project which is responsible for generating and converting fact databases for FreeHAL. They can be used by the "normal" FreeHAL application.
How many donations are needed? We need 90 Euros per month for the project's servers. You can find more details about our expenses here.
? ?

Support the FreeHAL Project!

Forgot your account info?

1) If you know your account's email address, and you can receive email there:

Enter the email address below, and click OK. You will be sent email instructions for resetting your password.

Email address

2) If you forgot your account's email address, or you can't receive email there:

If you have run BOINC under the account, you can still access it. Here's how:
  • Go to the BOINC data directory on your computer (on Windows this is usually C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BOINC or C:\Program Files\BOINC.
  • Find your account file for this project; it will have a name like (where the project URL is
  • Open the file in a text editor like Notepad. You'll see something like
  • Select and Copy the string between and (8b8496fdd26df7dc0423ecd43c09a56b in the above example).
  • Paste the string into the field below, and click OK.
  • You will now be logged in to your account; update the email and password of your account.
Log in with authenticator
Stay logged in on this computer

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About ? Supporters ? Social Networks
Copyright ? 2006 - 2011
Tobias Schulz and Contributors

The FreeHAL Software is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license.

The FreeHAL Website ( and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
? Members from SETI.Germany and Planet 3DNow! are sponsoring one of our servers.

Elton Chung from ReactOS donates a BOINC download mirror.

I don't want to see social networks at! Buchmessen
More information: our partners | funds | expenses and donors