Account data for Jon Dann

February 2010
FreeHAL needs donations

The FreeHAL project needs about 80 ? for the BOINC project servers (bandwidth and traffic) every month.

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FreeHAL@home member since 9 Mar 2010
Country Taiwan
Total credit 15
Recent average credit 1.42
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Projects in which Jon Dann is participating

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Total credit Average credit Since 19,295 84 1 Jun 2007
AQUA@home 3,532 78 15 Dec 2008
yoyo@home 2,150 41 20 Oct 2009
Collatz Conjecture 716 31 28 Feb 2010
PrimeGrid 3,771 13 11 Oct 2008
World Community Grid 3,907 12 20 Jun 2007
IBERCIVIS 1,361 11 10 Dec 2008
SZTAKI Desktop Grid 1,899 6 12 Dec 2008
Spinhenge@home 2,837 6 27 May 2007
QMC@HOME 5,239 6 31 May 2007
MilkyWay@home 3,963 6 20 Mar 2009
Einstein@Home 5,207 5 26 May 2007
POEM@HOME 1,286 5 23 Jul 2009
SIMAP 3,254 5 12 Dec 2008
Docking@Home 2,911 4 9 Dec 2008
SETI@home 3,845 4 25 May 2007
Leiden Classical 2,653 4 31 May 2007
Enigma@Home 828 4 20 Oct 2009
ABC@home 6,498 3 22 Jun 2008
uFluids 943 2 26 May 2007
Rectilinear Crossing Number 2,089 1 29 Jul 2008
Rosetta@home 2,897 1 5 Jun 2007
Lattice Project 176 0 12 Dec 2008
LHC@home 385 0 21 Jun 2008
Virtual Prairie 240 0 20 Oct 2009
vtu@home 324 0 6 Apr 2009
proteins@home 35 0 8 Jun 2007
SHA-1 Collision Search Graz 4,130 0 30 Jun 2008
NQueens Project 2,895 0 9 Sep 2008
Cosmology@Home 5,000 0 9 Sep 2008
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Team None

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Generated 10 Mar 2010 23:00:23 UTC