Account data for [] Fordinal

FreeHAL@home member since 18 Jul 2009
Country Austria
Total credit 88,117
Recent average credit 4,392.61
Computers hidden

Projects in which [] Fordinal is participating

Click for user page
Total credit Average credit Since
QMC@HOME 14,535 717 4 Aug 2009
NQueens Project 9,005 226 18 Jul 2009
MilkyWay@home 14,443 111 11 Jun 2009 861 97 15 Aug 2009
SETI@home 14,349 48 21 Dec 2004
Cosmology@Home 7,560 35 21 Jun 2009
Einstein@Home 1,805 6 6 Jun 2009
POEM@HOME 4,091 4 17 Jun 2009
Rectilinear Crossing Number 231 3 31 Jul 2009
Spinhenge@home 98 2 4 Aug 2009
SIMAP 76 2 5 Aug 2009
PrimeGrid 96 0 25 Jun 2009
The Lattice Project 254 0 23 Jun 2009
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Generated 21 Aug 2009 13:25:44 UTC