
Team info
Description Dies ist das Team von BOINC@Heidelberg, dem sympathischen Team aus Deutschland fuer jedermann. Wir sind bei nahezu allen BOINC Projekten vertreten. Besucht doch unser Portal mit vielen nuetzlichen Informationen und einem tollen Forum. This is the team of BOINC@Heidelberg, the simpatico team from Germany for everyone. You can find us at almost every BOINC project around. Please visit our website with a lot of useful information and a great forum (also english boards).
Web site
Total credit 12,330,307
Recent average credit 11,928
Cross-project stats
Country Germany
Type None
Founder AdminHD
New members in last day 0
Total members 38 (view)
Active members 14 (view)
Members with credit 34 (view)

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Generated 21 Nov 2010 20:37:28 UTC