Account data for Lord Tedric

FreeHAL@home member since 1 Nov 2008
Country United Kingdom
Total credit 159,222
Recent average credit 0.08
Computers hidden

Projects in which Lord Tedric is participating

Click for user page
Total credit Average credit Since
Moo! Wrapper 571,770 920 16 May 2011
primaboinca 85,200 15 2 Apr 2011
ABC@home 131,011 4 6 Jan 2007 52,317 1 4 Nov 2005
Collatz Conjecture 2,571,476 1 20 Sep 2009
Distributed Data Mining 103 0 2 Apr 2011
WUProp@Home 47 0 26 Dec 2010
AlmereGrid Boinc Grid 26 0 28 Oct 2008
AQUA@home 335,102 0 16 Dec 2008
Anansi 60 0 11 Nov 2009
HAL@Home 159,222 0 1 Nov 2008
DNETC@Home 758,825 0 16 Jun 2010
sudoku@vtaiwan 11 0 9 Apr 2011
DNA@Home 926 0 14 May 2011
Mersenne@home 68 0 8 Apr 2011
AndrOINC 758,825 0 16 Jun 2010
MilkyWay@home 8,391,605 0 9 Nov 2007
eOn 103 0 24 Dec 2010
RNA World 44 0 11 Apr 2011
Distributed Rainbow Table Generator 3,780 0 29 Jan 2009
PrimeGrid 10,497 0 6 Jul 2008
SZTAKI Desktop Grid 7,700 0 24 Jan 2006
uFluids 2,676 0 27 Jun 2008
NFS@Home 13,485 0 12 Sep 2009
Rosetta@home 2,296 0 19 Jan 2006
Einstein@Home 2,350 0 29 Jun 2005
LHC@home 1,137 0 20 Jan 2006
SIMAP 7,552 0 30 Jan 2006
SETI@home Beta 3,625 0 16 Jan 2006
Cosmology@Home 11,970 0 10 Oct 2007
SETI@home 1,063,735 0 18 Jun 1999
orbit@home 1,034 0 11 Mar 2008
ABC@home beta 1,640 0 6 Jan 2007
QMC@HOME 65,589 0 19 Jan 2008
vtu@home 12,713 0 16 Jul 2006
Enigma@Home 2,107 0 2 Apr 2009
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Tobias Schulz and Contributors

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