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October 2011
We need your help!

FreeHAL is financed by donations, but in contrast to other BOINC projects, there is no organization or sponsor behind FreeHAL. Every month, we need about 90? for the project's servers.

What exactly is FreeHAL or FreeHAL@home? The FreeHAL project's mission is to develop a computer program which very closely imitates human conversation. FreeHAL consists of a server application and several frontends, a cross-platform GUI and a web interface.

FreeHAL@home is the corresponding BOINC project which is responsible for generating and converting fact databases for FreeHAL. They can be used by the "normal" FreeHAL application.
How many donations are needed? We need 90 Euros per month for the project's servers. You can find more details about our expenses here.

Support the FreeHAL Project!

Account data for Uli2*

FreeHAL@home member since 2 Nov 2008
Country Germany
Total credit 1,791,285
Recent average credit 3,272.00
Computers hidden

Projects in which Uli2* is participating

Click for user page
Total credit Average credit Since
Collatz Conjecture 9,365,143 141,999 1 Nov 2009
Distributed Rainbow Table Generator 20,802,570 123,565 9 Jul 2010
PrimeGrid 176,770,323 64,157 8 Feb 2008
Moo! Wrapper 3,527,617 4,471 3 May 2011
HAL@Home 1,789,892 3,141 2 Nov 2008
Correlizer 182,411 1,258 5 Aug 2011
Surveill@Home 1,542 66 23 Jul 2011
SETI@home 360,222 50 7 Feb 2008
AndrOINC 925,129 40 3 Apr 2010 104,936 40 7 Feb 2008
sudoku@vtaiwan 256,610 23 18 Jan 2011
MilkyWay@home 158,301 15 18 May 2009
primaboinca 2,831,937 12 22 Jul 2010
NumberFields@home 12,472 4 21 Aug 2011
DNETC@Home 1,155,003 1 3 Apr 2010
WUProp@Home 100 0 1 Sep 2010
Goldbach's Conjecture 124 0 18 Jul 2010
RSA Lattice Siever 57,238 0 24 Aug 2009
Distributed Data Mining 35,801 0 27 Mar 2010
Anansi 30,900 0 15 Sep 2009
EDGeS@Home 36,051 0 21 May 2010
eOn 30,686 0 2 Sep 2010
Neurona@Home 39,972 0 23 Jun 2011
Ideologias@Home 3 0 3 Jun 2011
DNA@Home 8,700 0 31 Mar 2011
YAFU 827 0 3 Sep 2011
SLinCA@Home 19 0 29 Jan 2011
Evo@home 4,911 0 26 Jan 2011
QuantumFIRE alpha 749 0 16 Apr 2010
Constellation 531 0 13 Apr 2011 219 0 15 Jul 2010
Biochemical Library 23 0 22 Jul 2010
CAS@home 1,782 0 16 Jul 2010
Cels@Home 9,004 0 18 May 2008
Lattice Project 1,230 0 29 May 2008 19,035 0 12 Feb 2008
SIMAP 396,899 0 28 Apr 2008
Pirates@Home 2,996 0 4 May 2008
RALPH@Home 521 0 14 Feb 2009
SETI@home Beta 2,013 0 1 Nov 2009
uFluids 36 0 21 Aug 2008
World Community Grid 250 0 22 Feb 2010
LHC@home 1,102 0 25 Jun 2008
Einstein@Home 14,647 0 10 Feb 2008
Rosetta@home 64 0 23 Jan 2011
NFS@Home 143,414 0 1 Jul 2010
SZTAKI Desktop Grid 505 0 2 Feb 2010
QMC@HOME 97,150 0 28 Oct 2010
Spinhenge@home 1,690 0 5 May 2008
yoyo@home 10,101 0 29 Jun 2008
Enigma@Home 277 0 17 Aug 2008
SHA-1 Collision Search Graz 410 0 12 Oct 2008
Virtual Prairie 992 0 23 May 2008
Magnetism@home 256 0 23 Jun 2008
POEM@HOME 9,882 0 6 Jun 2008
Superlink@Technion 1,643 0 23 May 2008
proteins@home 7,133 0 22 May 2008
Docking@Home 372 0 27 Aug 2008
orbit@home 5,341 0 29 May 2008
Cosmology@Home 83,150 0 1 May 2008
Hydrogen@Home 12 0 27 Aug 2008
AlmereGrid Boinc Grid 20 0 18 Aug 2010
Profile View
Team Sicituradastra.
Friends (7)
Stealth Eagle*
Carles Garcia Arbusa
Teilen Twittern
About ? Supporters ? Social Networks
Copyright ? 2006 - 2011
Tobias Schulz and Contributors

The FreeHAL Software is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license.

The FreeHAL Website ( and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
? Members from SETI.Germany and Planet 3DNow! are sponsoring one of our servers.

Elton Chung from ReactOS donates a BOINC download mirror.

I don't want to see social networks at! Buchmessen
More information: our partners | funds | expenses and donors