Account data for Phreddy

FreeHAL@home member since 31 Jan 2010
Country New Zealand
Total credit 1,671,204
Recent average credit 2,263.00
Computers hidden

Projects in which Phreddy is participating

Click for user page
Total credit Average credit Since
Collatz Conjecture 6,198,192 15,021 18 Jan 2010
Enigma@Home 987,847 9,817 9 Jan 2011
PrimeGrid 204,303 7,921 28 Jun 2011
HAL@Home 1,671,204 2,206 31 Jan 2010
AQUA@home 13,026,225 501 11 Jul 2009
RNA World 17,386 305 12 Jul 2011
QuantumFIRE alpha 349,472 282 21 Mar 2010
WUProp@Home 74,029 246 13 Jun 2010
Surveill@Home 2,214 127 25 Jul 2011
DNETC@Home 18,700 0 18 Jun 2010
Moo! Wrapper 816 0 13 Jun 2011
AndrOINC 18,700 0 18 Jun 2010
SHA-1 Collision Search Graz 71,790 0 28 Aug 2007 10,727 0 13 Jan 2007
World Community Grid 64,592 0 25 Nov 2010
Einstein@Home 23,455 0 3 May 2007
QMC@HOME 18,442 0 14 Jan 2010
ABC@home 132,796 0 19 Jun 2007
SETI@home 1,176,615 0 9 Jun 2001
Cosmology@Home 545,300 0 21 Nov 2008
Gerasim@Home 249,659 0 26 Aug 2010
MilkyWay@home 30,998 0 10 Mar 2008
Team Boinc UK
Friends (1)
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Tobias Schulz and Contributors

The FreeHAL Software is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license.

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? Members from SETI.Germany and Planet 3DNow! are sponsoring one of our servers.

Elton Chung from ReactOS donates a BOINC download mirror.

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