Account data for Fire$torm.SETI.USA [BlackOps]

FreeHAL@home member since 31 Jan 2010
Country United States
Total credit 1,466,752
Recent average credit 4,200.00
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Projects in which Fire$torm.SETI.USA [BlackOps] is participating

Click for user page
Total credit Average credit Since
AQUA@home 306,459,360 31,532,437 14 Feb 2010
PrimeGrid 43,746,808 202,470 12 Dec 2009
MilkyWay@home 53,344,100 185,169 31 Dec 2009
Moo! Wrapper 2,137,270 130,674 2 May 2011
Collatz Conjecture 4,439,019 13,390 13 Mar 2010
yoyo@home 301,391 4,604 29 Apr 2010
HAL@Home 1,466,752 4,070 31 Jan 2010
Ideologias@Home 45,828 1,948 22 Jun 2011
primaboinca 1,056,800 1,867 5 Apr 2011
RNA World 103,786 1,097 7 Feb 2010
WUProp@Home 106,079 250 3 Apr 2010
QMC@HOME 73,047 63 13 Feb 2010
DNETC@Home 6,824,791 9 3 Apr 2010
Rosetta@home 43,343 5 7 May 2010
Constellation 4,571 4 22 Dec 2010
World Community Grid 39,371 3 21 Nov 2010
AndrOINC 6,812,177 2 3 Apr 2010
Einstein@Home 56,889 1 29 Apr 2010
Mersenne@home 22,846 1 24 Mar 2011
Docking@Home 29,350 1 7 Oct 2010
POEM@HOME 147,647 1 7 Aug 2010
DNA@Home 6,428 0 30 Apr 2011
Enigma@Home 48,658 0 29 Apr 2010
Pirates@Home 1,571 0 31 Jan 2010 171,889 0 17 Feb 2011 2,594 0 29 Apr 2010
orbit@home 3,600 0 11 Sep 2010
SETI@home 58,624 0 21 Jan 2006
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Tobias Schulz and Contributors

The FreeHAL Software is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license.

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? Members from SETI.Germany and Planet 3DNow! are sponsoring one of our servers.

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