Account data for asb2106

FreeHAL@home member since 11 Feb 2009
Country United States
Total credit 8,153,391
Recent average credit 113.40
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Projects in which asb2106 is participating

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Total credit Average credit Since
DNETC@Home 6,913,762 471 28 Oct 2010
HAL@Home 8,153,390 105 11 Feb 2009
AndrOINC 6,834,525 47 28 Oct 2010 1,586 6 17 Feb 2009
GPUGRID 10,751,419 0 24 Dec 2008
RSA Lattice Siever 113,387 0 25 Feb 2010
EDGeS@Home 100,431 0 28 Feb 2010
MindModeling@Home 121,126 0 10 Feb 2009
Collatz Conjecture 26,470,631 0 13 Jul 2009
MilkyWay@home 92,501,242 0 15 Oct 2008
Rosetta@home 108,740 0 18 Mar 2007 139,428 0 12 Aug 2007
Einstein@Home 125,471 0 17 Mar 2007
PrimeGrid 3,510,037 0 18 Dec 2008
World Community Grid 103,194 0 16 Oct 2007
yoyo@home 2,067,729 0 8 Jul 2009
ABC@home 1,094,231 0 19 Jan 2009
SIMAP 1,506,584 0 19 Dec 2008
SETI@home 7,024,693 0 23 Jan 2006
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Friends (2)
Steven Pletsch
Teilen Twittern
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Tobias Schulz and Contributors

The FreeHAL Software is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license.

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? Members from SETI.Germany and Planet 3DNow! are sponsoring one of our servers.

Elton Chung from ReactOS donates a BOINC download mirror.

I don't want to see social networks at! Buchmessen
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