Account data for 1fast6

FreeHAL@home member since 13 Mar 2009
Country United States
Total credit 5,058,769
Recent average credit 1,577.00
Computers hidden

Projects in which 1fast6 is participating

Click for user page
Total credit Average credit Since
SETI@home 7,492,617 21,878 24 May 1999
Rosetta@home 4,913,141 6,673 20 Feb 2006
HAL@Home 5,058,425 1,537 13 Mar 2009
Collatz Conjecture 26,005,550 110 23 Aug 2009
DNA@Home 41,850 16 24 Apr 2011
MilkyWay@home 41,259,641 4 22 Aug 2008
Magnetism@home 91 0 13 Mar 2009
IBERCIVIS 105,845 0 27 Mar 2009
Virtual Prairie 3,233 0 12 Jun 2009
Enigma@Home 304,139 0 11 Dec 2008
AQUA@home 1,314,789 0 27 Mar 2009
MindModeling@Home 163 0 13 Mar 2009
yoyo@home 122,242 0 22 Aug 2008
GPUGRID 1,878,739 0 12 Dec 2008
primaboinca 9,000 0 20 Apr 2011
Constellation 10,531 0 29 May 2011
AndrOINC 5,807,463 0 14 May 2010
DNETC@Home 5,807,463 0 14 May 2010
QuantumFIRE alpha 750 0 23 Mar 2010
eOn 562 0 12 Mar 2011
POEM@HOME 302,407 0 16 Sep 2008
DrugDiscovery@Home 73 0 24 Apr 2011
WUProp@Home 1,225 0 24 Apr 2010
Distributed Rainbow Table Generator 1,880 0 26 Sep 2009
SZTAKI Desktop Grid 134,327 0 25 Feb 2006
World Community Grid 148,803 0 11 Jun 2006
uFluids 544,849 0 21 Aug 2008 689,233 0 22 Aug 2008
PrimeGrid 617,057 0 29 Jan 2006
NFS@Home 112,332 0 19 Sep 2009
Einstein@Home 213,809 0 3 Jan 2006 208,455 0 3 Jan 2006
LHC@home 119,497 0 2 Jun 2006
Lattice Project 93,200 0 22 Aug 2008
SIMAP 780,143 0 11 Mar 2006
ABC@home 353,756 0 10 May 2007
Cosmology@Home 540,040 0 22 Aug 2008
Hydrogen@Home 2,700 0 24 Mar 2009
Docking@Home 204,535 0 3 Oct 2008
Spinhenge@home 1,255,214 0 22 Aug 2008
Pirates@Home 11,059 0 16 Sep 2008
Leiden Classical 114,013 0 16 Oct 2006
QMC@HOME 133,030 0 2 Jun 2006
Superlink@Technion 100,695 0 19 Sep 2008
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