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November 2011
We need your help!

FreeHAL is financed by donations, but in contrast to other BOINC projects, there is no organization or sponsor behind FreeHAL. Every month, we need about 90? for the project's servers.

What exactly is FreeHAL or FreeHAL@home? The FreeHAL project's mission is to develop a computer program which very closely imitates human conversation. FreeHAL consists of a server application and several frontends, a cross-platform GUI and a web interface.

FreeHAL@home is the corresponding BOINC project which is responsible for generating and converting fact databases for FreeHAL. They can be used by the "normal" FreeHAL application.
How many donations are needed? We need 90 Euros per month for the project's servers. You can find more details about our expenses here.
? ?

Support the FreeHAL Project!

Account data for Plejaden

FreeHAL@home member since 3 Sep 2008
Country Austria
Total credit 13,676
Recent average credit 1.45
Computers View

Projects in which Plejaden is participating

Click for user page
Total credit Average credit Since
Mersenne@home 34,422 380 20 Dec 2010
World Community Grid 226,952 263 3 Nov 2005
Einstein@Home 206,651 134 11 Feb 2005
QMC@HOME 23,529 114 25 Jun 2006 72,866 111 20 Jun 2006
MilkyWay@home 87,067 96 28 Aug 2007
primaboinca 36,751 90 17 Jul 2010
SETI@home 352,366 87 10 Nov 2003
EDGeS@Home 6,855 49 6 Oct 2009
Distributed Data Mining 7,743 46 28 Feb 2010
POEM@HOME 35,742 37 17 Oct 2007
SAT@home 1,282 35 10 Oct 2011
RNA World 11,816 33 5 Feb 2010
Enigma@Home 27,281 21 10 Sep 2007
YAFU 4,493 15 2 Sep 2011
LHC@home 4,675 11 13 Jul 2005
Correlizer 13,475 11 3 Aug 2011
Docking@Home 60,947 4 19 Apr 2007
Constellation 14,666 3 22 Dec 2010
SIMAP 31,140 2 13 Dec 2005
Lattice Project 964 2 30 Mar 2005
HAL@Home 13,676 1 3 Sep 2008
CAS@home 155 1 24 Jun 2010
GPUGRID 107,386 0 5 Sep 2008
Collatz Conjecture 144,704 0 12 Jul 2009
DrugDiscovery@Home 5,207 0 1 May 2009
Goldbach's Conjecture 0 0 28 Aug 2009
RSA Lattice Siever 791 0 21 Aug 2009
SLinCA@Home 578 0 3 Dec 2010
Moo! Wrapper 138,139 0 2 May 2011
DNA@Home 275 0 29 Apr 2010
Surveill@Home 8 0 25 Jul 2011
Test4Theory 0 0 25 Feb 2011
NumberFields@home 1,770 0 21 Aug 2011
AlmereGrid Test 373 0 3 Apr 2008
Ideologias@Home 532 0 30 May 2011
Neurona@Home 12 0 14 Jun 2011
eOn 135 0 1 Sep 2010
Linux Render Farm 83 0 1 Oct 2010
Biochemical Library 580 0 19 Aug 2010
Evo@home 5 0 27 Jan 2011
WUProp@Home 199 0 10 Apr 2010
QuantumFIRE alpha 3,569 0 6 Mar 2010
Quake Catcher Network 546 0 4 Feb 2008
RALPH@Home 213 0 14 May 2009
Leiden Classical 2,866 0 15 Sep 2006
Chess960@Home Alpha 218 0 16 Aug 2006
Spinhenge@home 14,622 0 1 Sep 2006
BOINC alpha test 3 0 30 May 2007
proteins@home 212 0 29 Sep 2006
SETI@home Beta 5,417 0 19 Jun 2005
uFluids 5,059 0 11 Nov 2005
Rosetta@home 32,805 0 18 Sep 2005 23,528 0 4 Sep 2004
BURP 4,326 0 8 Apr 2005
NFS@Home 6,080 0 6 Sep 2009
SZTAKI Desktop Grid 1,520 0 1 Sep 2005
PrimeGrid 648,644 0 3 Sep 2005
ABC@home 14,366 0 8 Nov 2006
Gerasim@Home 3,709 0 16 Apr 2007
Virtual Prairie 8,972 0 3 Apr 2008
MindModeling@Home 2,994 0 25 Jan 2008
Malaria Control Test Project 689 0 6 May 2008
Magnetism@home 4,184 0 14 Jun 2008
AlmereGrid Boinc Grid 270 0 13 May 2009
IBERCIVIS 1,182 0 4 Apr 2008
SHA-1 Collision Search Graz 3,170 0 19 Jun 2007
yoyo@home 9,941 0 22 Jul 2007
Cosmology@Home 31,591 0 22 May 2007
orbit@home 2,666 0 4 Mar 2008
Hydrogen@Home 38 0 25 Jun 2007
Distributed Rainbow Table Generator 56,575 0 26 Nov 2008
Superlink@Technion 758 0 18 Jun 2007 1,505 0 27 Jul 2009
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Team Boinc Team Gruppe 2004
Teilen Twittern
About ? Supporters ? Social Networks
Copyright ? 2006 - 2011
Tobias Schulz and Contributors

The FreeHAL Software is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license.

The FreeHAL Website ( and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
? Members from SETI.Germany and Planet 3DNow! are sponsoring one of our servers.

Elton Chung from ReactOS donates a BOINC download mirror.

I don't want to see social networks at! Buchmessen
More information: our partners | funds | expenses and donors