Account data for DoctorNow

FreeHAL@home member since 3 Sep 2008
Country Germany
Total credit 106,053
Recent average credit 0.00
Computers hidden

Projects in which DoctorNow is participating

Click for user page
Total credit Average credit Since
Distributed Rainbow Table Generator 1,452,562 42,847 27 Nov 2008
Collatz Conjecture 8,083,194 13,233 12 Jul 2009
MilkyWay@home 3,119,284 6,917 28 Aug 2007
GPUGRID 4,579,265 3,984 18 Aug 2007
Mersenne@home 146,123 2,063 18 Dec 2010
PrimeGrid 9,811,721 954 9 Jan 2006
World Community Grid 67,894 449 4 Nov 2005
NumberFields@home 17,554 449 19 Aug 2011
yoyo@home 623,306 341 22 Jul 2007
BURP 248,869 208 11 Apr 2005
Radioactive@Home 3,010 84 16 Jun 2011
WUProp@Home 44,305 73 7 Apr 2010
LHC@home 56,690 44 17 Sep 2004
Najmanovich Research Group 581 26 11 Nov 2011
Neurona@Home 1,676 16 14 Jun 2011
Surveill@Home 2,165 16 23 Jul 2011 95,572 8 20 Jan 2009
YAFU 7,960 5 2 Sep 2011
SAT@home 2,688 2 10 Oct 2011
Goldbach's Conjecture 31 0 29 Aug 2009
RNA World 13,403 0 6 Feb 2010
EDGeS@Home 2,192 0 7 Oct 2009
Anansi 10 0 17 Nov 2009
HAL@Home 106,053 0 3 Sep 2008
CAS@home 2,191 0 13 Jun 2010
DrugDiscovery@Home 884 0 26 Aug 2009
Distributed Data Mining 3,195 0 28 Feb 2010
RSA Lattice Siever 6,116 0 22 Aug 2009
Evo@home 1,161 0 24 Jan 2011
DNA@Home 20,519 0 29 Apr 2010
Ideologias@Home 2,130 0 3 Jun 2011
Moo! Wrapper 250,309 0 2 May 2011
Correlizer 2,647 0 3 Aug 2011
AlmereGrid Test 35 0 3 Apr 2008
Test4Theory 2,163 0 7 Jun 2011
sudoku@vtaiwan 2,215 0 15 Jan 2011
SLinCA@Home 2,433 0 4 Dec 2010
Constellation 20,019 0 12 Nov 2010
primaboinca 41,452 0 18 Jul 2010
Linux Render Farm 5 0 28 Sep 2010
eOn 2,092 0 1 Sep 2010
IBERCIVIS 6,501 0 8 Apr 2008
Biochemical Library 1,342 0 20 Oct 2010
QuantumFIRE alpha 11,999 0 6 Mar 2010
Cels@Home 4,275 0 26 Feb 2008
Leiden Classical 4,287 0 13 Feb 2006
SETI@home Beta 22,551 0 16 Jan 2006
Pirates@Home 1,860 0 5 Dec 2004
RALPH@Home 3,319 0 16 Feb 2006
QMC@HOME 78,081 0 7 Mar 2006
Docking@Home 26,546 0 13 Nov 2006
Spinhenge@home 12,171 0 1 Sep 2006
Chess960@Home Alpha 3,468 0 3 Jul 2006
SIMAP 29,607 0 13 Dec 2005
Lattice Project 13,019 0 4 Jun 2007
Rosetta@home 18,878 0 28 Sep 2005 154,508 0 27 Aug 2004
Einstein@Home 348,930 0 22 Jan 2005
NFS@Home 11,777 0 6 Sep 2009
SZTAKI Desktop Grid 13,434 0 28 Oct 2005 6,831 0 7 Mar 2006
uFluids 2,297 0 23 Nov 2005
proteins@home 3,649 0 8 Oct 2006
BOINC alpha test 1 0 30 May 2007
MindModeling@Home 1,990 0 25 Jan 2008
SHA-1 Collision Search Graz 2,408 0 19 Jun 2007
Enigma@Home 15,333 0 10 Sep 2007
Quake Catcher Network 34,275 0 3 Feb 2008
SETI@home 106,542 0 15 Nov 2002
Malaria Control Test Project 2,045 0 6 May 2008
OPTIMA@HOME 3,102 0 28 Mar 2011
Virtual Prairie 3,337 0 3 Apr 2008
Radio Network Design 2,227 0 6 Sep 2007
POEM@HOME 25,169 0 17 Oct 2007
Gerasim@Home 67,232 0 10 Feb 2007
WEP-M+2 2,613 0 21 Mar 2007
ABC@home 85,317 0 8 Nov 2006
orbit@home 10,679 0 4 Mar 2008
Cosmology@Home 84,819 0 22 May 2007
Superlink@Technion 3,127 0 17 Jun 2007
Hydrogen@Home 200 0 24 Jun 2007
Magnetism@home 5,595 0 11 Jun 2008
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Tobias Schulz and Contributors

The FreeHAL Software is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license.

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? Members from SETI.Germany and Planet 3DNow! are sponsoring one of our servers.

Elton Chung from ReactOS donates a BOINC download mirror.

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